The Stories of Reach
Oh sh*t and its alternative
Reach was playing with his transformer last night. And I heard him saying:"Oh, shit!". Loud and clear.
So I stopped him, “We don’t say ‘shit’, it is really a bad word.”
He looked puzzled and said:”But Mommy, when Daddy watched football, and if somebody is blocking another person, Daddy said: ’oh, shit!’ “ So I told him:”Ok, if Daddy said that again, you need to tell him that ‘shit’ is a bad word.” He gave me a short reply “oh, ok” and quickly ran downstairs.
A minute later, I heard him having this conversation with his dad:"Daddy, when you watch football, and if somebody got blocked, you should not say ‘oh, shit!’. Shit is a bad word." His Dad replied:"Oh, really?” He confirmed:"Yeah, you need to say ‘oh, man!’ "
Lighting Shoes
(This happened in the past summer. Reach'd been begging for lighting shoes for a while. And I told him that he didn't need lighting shoes because they were for babies.)
I was bathing Reach last night and found all his toe nails had black dirt under. So I took a nail clipper to trim his toe nails.
As usual, he started to whine and didn't want me clip his toe nails believing I would cut him. So I explained to him, "The black dirt is all the germs and bacterias. If Mommy didn't take it out, it could really make you sick."
He still kept whining, so I said, "Ok, you can't wear sandals to school anymore. They make your toe nails black. You need to wear socks and sneakers all the time." The whining suddenly stopped, and he told me:"Mommy, I need lighting sneakers, like Brian, he is 6, I am almost 6, so I can wear lighting sneakers like him. And when I wear the lighting shoes, the germs gonna think it is an alarm."