
Reach's Painting Vase and Flower

Reach's painting about a vase and some

Reach started his after-school art class yesterday (back in November 2010). I sat through the second half of class. Toward the end, Reach came to show me his painting. Looking at his scribblings on the piece of paper, I was looking hard for words to praise him.

"Oh, you drew some boxes..." I opened my eyes wide.

"Children, sit back to your seat, please." The art teacher called.

So I gave the "painting" back to Reach. And he hopped back to his seat.

Then the teacher asked who wanted to show their artwork. Most children raised their hands. And the teacher took their paintings and held it in front of her. One by one, she gave her words of appreciation and encouragement.

Reach didn’t get picked for a few times. So he held his painting up high in the air, his arm crossing another boy's face. From few rows down, my heart began to accelerate , "Uh-oh..."

The teacher took his painting and held it in front of her,

"Look at this, what a beautiful painting! And the colors, and…" she paused.

Reach raised his hand, "You hold it up side down."

"Oops!" The teacher turned the painting over, and turned to the students: "look at the beautiful colors, such a nice painting. Who has a comment?"

A little girl raised her hand, "The flowers are so tiny."

"Oh, yes, the flowers on the top, they are tiny. Aren't they beautiful?" the teacher said.

From two tables down, I was enlightened to discover the flowers in that painting the first time.

---"The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery." ~ Mark van Doren


昨天奇恩的课外艺术班开始了第一堂课。我坐在教室里跟着他一起上了后半堂课。快到结束时,奇恩跑过来给我看他画的“ 画”。看着他纸上画的看不出是什么的涂鸦,我努力的找些称赞他的话:












--- 教学的艺术就是启发人去发现的艺术。马克.多伦
