
Front Yard Makeover Ideas?

3/18 Updates

I cut down the boxwood on the right yesterday. The row of boxwood on the left will be gone soon (hopefully this weekend). Now I don't know what to do with the cypress. I have 2, one big, one small. Now there are 3 options: chop them down or move them to somewhere in the yard or give them to others.

After we cleaned up the wood chips and debris in the stump hole, and it rained on Wednesday, the stump hole finally looks like this. Ugly, huh?

这是我家前院---需要好好整修一番了。房子左边的一棵大树去年被一场暴风雨吹断了。昨天我们叫人来把突出来的树根绞碎了。树根是不见了,可地上留下了一个填满了木削的大窟窿。两边的boxwood被我和老公两人不定期的修剪,成了圆不圆,方不方的绿方块。房子左边的围砖倒的倒歪的歪,,,You got the idea.
